Publisher: EPFL Press / Released on April 2019 / EAN:9782889153053
Hardcover 20.8 x 28 cm / 136 pages / English & French
For its 50th anniversary, EPFL gave carte blanche to three renowned photographers. Catherine Leutenegger focused on the science, Bogdan Konopka depicted the buildings and Olivier Christinat photographed the people. «Perspectives on EPFL» thus offers a coherent vision of EPFL's present and future. Published by EPFL to mark its 50th anniversary, this book was created in collaboration with the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne.
Perspectives on EPFL is available for 39 CHF in the Librairie La Fontaine on the campus.
It can also be pre-ordered online on the Presses Polytechniques et universitaires romandes website.

Hardcover 20 x 24,5 cm / 160 pages / 89 color ills.
ISBN 978-3-86828-462-1
Photographer: Catherine Leutenegger
Authors: A. D. Coleman, Catherine Leutenegger, Joerg Bader, Urs Stahel
Designed by Chris Gautschi, Catherine Leutenegger
Image Processing by Samuel Rouge
Hardcover 20 x 24,5 cm / 160 pages / 89 color ills.
ISBN 978-3-86828-462-1
Photographer: Catherine Leutenegger
Authors: A. D. Coleman, Catherine Leutenegger, Joerg Bader, Urs Stahel
Designed by Chris Gautschi, Catherine Leutenegger
Image Processing by Samuel Rouge

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CHF 53.90.- / Euros 49.00 / $ 55.00 + shipping cost
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CHF 53.90.- / Euros 49.00 / $ 55.00 + shipping cost
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"Eastman Kodak, the company which pioneered so much in photography from the 1880s through the 1960s, could have owned digital imaging; the very first electronic camera was born in one of Kodak’s labs.
Instead, they missed that boat, going into a tailspin that resulted in their eventual bankruptcy. Tied to that economic engine, the fortunes of Rochester, New York, the archetypal company town where Kodak had
its headquarters, fell as "Big Yellow" collapsed.
its headquarters, fell as "Big Yellow" collapsed.
Catherine Leutenegger’s attentive, deadpan studies of Rochester today explore the face of a city once central to photography but now irrelevant and adrift."
A. D. Coleman
A. D. Coleman